2019 Interior Design Trend: 4 Hot Carpet Styles That Everyone Wants

While carpet may seem like a modern design trend, the first mill in the United States was actuallybuilt in 1791, not that long after the Revolutionary War. While those first carpets were woven into narrow strips that were hand-stitched together on site, eventually looms grew wider to accommodate the broadloom, or wall-to-wall carpet, that we are accustomed to today.  Interior design trends fluctuate from decade to decade, but the latest trends do not reflect any one style.

4 Decorative Accent Mistakes To Avoid

Finding a decorative piece that you love for your home is awesome. However, when you find piece after piece that you love, and you put them all in your home — the problems start. The issue is that while most people have good intentions, they ultimately make their home look cluttered and less than stylish. Not sure if you're making this mistake; learn more. 1. Arranging Too Many Accents in One Space